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Rice Cakes, DTaP, Fish Oil, Celery & the Medical Medium

WulfWorks Wellness News

It is bad enough that kids have to live with the side effects of vaccines that provide some level of protection from disease, but in the case of the Pertussis vaccine, the much touted “herd immunity” does not exist. Furthermore, the vaccine does little to prevent infection. In fact, 2 or 3 years later, they have no protection at all. That doesn’t mean the heavy metals, formaldehyde, and whatever else was injected along with the vaccine is not still wreaking havoc.

Heavy metals don’t just disappear from the body. It takes lot a of cilantro, spirulina, dulse, and other chelating factors to clear it out. Would your kid be willing to eat a cup of cilantro a day? Probably not, but that is one of the only good ways to get mercury out of her or his body.

They are using these kids as guinea pigs in a massive inoculation experiment. I shudder to think what the implications will be ten or twenty years down the road. Here’s what Dr. Carlston shared in his recent newsletter:

In the last few weeks a Kaiser study here in California demonstrated that the whooping cough vaccine simply does not work. As little as four years after pertussis vaccination, only nine percent of children studied retained immunity to whooping cough. That is simply horrible, as even the authors’ purposefully restrained comments expressed.

The following is a quote from the study itself (which won’t be published until next month):
“Routine Tdap did not prevent pertussis outbreaks. Among adolescents who have only received DTaP vaccines in childhood, Tdap provided moderate protection against pertussis during the first year and then waned rapidly so that little protection remained 2-3 years after vaccination.”

Apparently, this study hasn’t even been published yet. He only saw it because he’s a doctor. Thank goodness he shared it. Maybe it will save a few kids from at least one unnecessary inoculation. I recommend reading the entire article. It’s a good one. (Pretend you don’t see the fish oil one, though. More on that below.)

Vaccination Disinformation

And here’s a fun little article listing what’s actually included in the DTaP syringe. It made me cringe! READ IT before you decide it’s just another harmless inoculation your child has to be subjected to.

What’s Really in the DTaP?

Beware of fish oil!Fish Oil – It’s NOT as Good as You Think!

Here’s what my new favorite health guru, Anthony William, has to say on the subject of fish oil:

“In fish, mercury concentrates itself mostly in the volatile omega oils. So when millions of fish are processed for their oil, mercury levels are at an unparalleled level. The process that supplement manufacturers then use to try to lower the mercury content actually destabilizes the toxic heavy metal. It becomes a highly absorbable, homeopathic version of itself. [ ] This concentrated mercury that ends up in fish oil supplements has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and quite easily enter sensitive organs, bypassing and disrupting the body’s systems. It can also strengthen and feed viruses and bacteria. Fish oil supplements put you on the fast track for Alzheimer’s, dementia, and chronic inflammatory diseases of the brain.”

Personally, I’ll stick to flax oil and chia seeds. You can also get algae-based Omega 3 supplements, which is where the fish get their Omega 3 from in the first place. Don’t get sucked in by all the hype about the wonders of fish oil. It ain’t what it’s cracked up to be!

More about Anthony William, the Medical Medium –

celery heals digestionCelery the Humble Wonder Herb

If you have any sort of digestive ailment, like bloating, gas, or heartburn, celery juice may be just what you need. 16 oz every day on an empty stomach will restore your hydrochloric acid production and get your digestion running smoothly again.

If you don’t have a juicer, just chop it in 1 inch chunks and blend it up in your blender. Then pour through a nut milk bag. Chopping it is important if you don’t want the strings to tangle around your blender blade.

16 oz is about the amount you get from one bunch of celery, so you don’t have to bother with measuring. Just juice one bunch first thing in the morning and drink up. Make sure it is organic celery, because commercial celery is one of the most pesticide-laden vegetables on the market.

Here’s what the Medical Medium has to say about celery:

Celery is a strongly alkaline food that helps to counteract acidosis, purify the bloodstream, aid in digestion, prevent migraines, relax the nerves, reduce blood pressure, and clear up skin problems.

Fresh celery juice is one of the most powerful and healing juices one can drink. Just 16 oz of fresh celery juice a day can transform your health and digestion in as little as one week.

Read more about the healing power of celery –


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