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Eat Bread to Lose Weight, Chia, Plant Protein, Cellphones & Homeopathic Remedies

Health & Wellness News + Upcoming Magical Events with Bernadette Wulf

Eat Bread to Lose Weight, Chia, Plant Protein, Cellphones & Homeopathic Remedies

In This Issue: 

    • Eat More Bread to Lose Weight
    • Cellphones & Homeopathic Remedies
    • Grind Your Chia
    • Plant Proteins Reduce Frailty

Find lots of healthy recipes in my Whole Food Plant-Based, Gluten Free Diet & Recipes Free Facebook Group

Message from Bernadette Wulf


Happy Birthday QIt’s Mr. Q’s birthday again. He’s turning 30 years old on July 1st so I just had to post a photo of him here. It’s been quite an adventure having an animal companion for 30 years. We’ve been through a lot together!

I’m going to keep it short this time, since I’m in the middle of packing for a camping trip.

This month I found some really interesting studies showing that eating bread and ground chia seeds can help with shedding those extra pounds. I finally got the answer to a question I’ve had for a very long time and it wasn’t the answer I was hoping for – cellphones DO damage homeopathic remedies. And last but not least, an amazing study showing a major difference in older women who eat plants vs. animal products… and it’s a really good one!

That’s all for this month. I’m off to the wilds of Mt. Shasta and hoping to visit at least one waterfall while I’m up there. The waters are calling me.

Have questions or comments? —>>> Email Bernadette <<<— Please use this link and do not hit reply to this post or I may never get your message.

To your health and happiness!

Bernadette Wulf – Eat Plants for Life

breadEat More Bread to Lose Weight

Here’s a fascinating article that will surprise a lot of people. More bread consumption can help you slim down!

I don’t advise eating gluten, but apparently this will work with any bread, including regular white wheat bread. Whole grain bread was more effective than white – and my educated guess is that eating the whole grains without turning them into flour would be most effective of all, because they take more calories to digest.

Of course, though the study was done with wheat breads, it’s not the wheat that helps people lose weight. It is the fact that they are replacing fatty foods like meat, eggs and dairy products with a lower fat/higher carb alternative. Gluten free breads or whole grains should work just as well or better.

Contrary to media hype and popular belief, carbs don’t make you fat! Not unless you combine them with fats, anyway. In other words, it’s not bread and potatoes that make people fat, it’s slathering them with fatty foods like butter and cheese.

Here’s what Dr. McDougall posted on the subject:

In 1979, researchers from the Food Science and Human Nutrition Department at Michigan State University (my alma mater) reported the results from asking 16 moderately overweight college-age men to add 12 slices of white bread (at 70 calories a slice) or high-fiber bread (at 50 calories a slice) to their diet daily.1 On average, subjects eating the extra white bread lost 14 pounds (6.26 Kg) and those adding the high-fiber bread lost 19 pounds (8.77 Kg) over the next eight weeks. 

Read more about why bread helps you lose weight –

Homeopathy and Cancer healitall.comCellphones Damage Homeopathic Remedies

I’ve wondered for a long time if the homeopathic remedies I keep in my purse (Arnica for bumps and sprains & Apis for bee stings) would be harmed by having my cellphone so close.

Sad to say, it looks like they will be.

In an experiment with tadpoles the effectiveness of one remedy was tested before and after various types of radiation. Cellphones and older microwave ovens seemed to destroy the remedy (newer microwaves were not tested).

The good news is that airport x-rays don’t seem to affect them.


Apparently it’s safe for your remedies be x-rayed at the airport, and scanned by red-light barcode scanners: the potentised thyroxine still worked after being exposed to them.

However, the radiation from a mobile phone at a distance of 25cm destroyed the energetic nature of the potentised throxine.

That is pretty disappointing to me. I guess I’ll have to start keeping my emergency remedies in my car and hoping I don’t get stung by a bee when I’m out walking around.

Read more about how tadpoles indicated whether an irradiated remedy works or not –

chia seeds for weight lossGrind Your Chia

Here’s another interesting article on how chia seeds can help promote weight loss. And apparently, you get a lot more of the chia goodness when you grind your seeds.


In a randomized controlled trial, researchers gave one group about two daily tablespoons of ground chia and another group got a fiber-matched control made mostly of oat bran. Those in the ground chia group lost significantly more weight and significantly more waist in terms of waist circumference, which is a measure of belly fat, as well as had a decrease in their c-reactive protein levels, which suggests an anti-inflammatory effect.

Chia pudding anyone?

Read more about the benefits of chia seeds for weight loss. –

legumes for your health and the health of our planetPlant Proteins Reduce Frailty

This headline really caught my eye, “Swapping Out Animal Protein for Plant Protein Reduces Frailty in Older Women by 42%”

That is a big percentage!

Did you know that all whole foods have protein? Even lettuce, fruits and vegetables are good sources of protein, but of course it is more concentrated in beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

The only foods that are not good protein sources are refined and processed foods, so you don’t have to worry about getting enough protein as long as you eat a variety of whole plant foods.

And apparently plant-based proteins actually make you stronger… at least if you are an older woman. Seems to work pretty well for elephants, bulls and gorillas too!

Read more about how plant proteins help older women stay strong –