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Breast Cancer, Gum Disease, Alzheimer’s, Vitamin C & Marijuana

Health & Wellness News + Upcoming Magical Events with Bernadette Wulf

Breast Cancer, Gum Disease, Alzheimer’s, Vitamin C & Marijuana

In This Issue: 

    • The Real Scoop on Breast Cancer
    • Vitamin C for Gum Disease
    • Animal Products and Alzheimer’s
    • Vitamin C & Cancer
    • Can Pot Actually Clear Cancer?

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Message from Bernadette Wulf

Herbs for respiratory ailmentsHappy Holidays!

Do you like December? It might just be my least favorite month of the year – brrr! So I have to do extra things to keep my spirits high and my energy up while the days are so short and cold.

Warm drinks, extra light, a fireplace video on Netflix, hot soup and spending at least a little time outside communing with Nature can go a long way to lift my spirits. What are your favorite seasonal inspirations? I’d like to know.

One thing I’m doing to make the season bright this year is a Yule ritual called Rekindle Your Joy! It is happening on December 18th and it’s sure to lift your spirits. Find out more HERE.

Faehallows Yule Ritual

Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about Aligning with Affluence! I just moved it to the new year so I can give it all the attention it needs after the holiday season is over. I’m really looking forward to it. You’ll hear more in my next newsletter!

This month we have a really good video on preventing/treating Breast Cancer, an article on preventing Gum Disease, the latest research on Alzheimer’s and animal products, Vitamin C for cancer, and how Marijuana stacks up as a cancer treatment.

I hope you care more about your health than one vegan I ran into on Facebook who stated that “some vegans don’t care about their health.” They are only in it for the animals. Huh?

How does it make any sense to destroy your own health with vegan junk food to protect animals when there are so many delicious and healthy vegan options available? Does not compute!

Have questions or comments? —>>> Email Bernadette <<<— Please use this link and do not hit reply to this post or I may never get your message.

Wishing you and yours the very best in this Holiday Season, whatever you like to celebrate… or not celebrate.

Stay cozy and healthy!

Bernadette Wulf – Eat Plants for Life

The Real Scoop on Breast Cancer

I thought this short video was full of very helpful information for anyone facing breast cancer or the threat of it. Dr. McDougall is a very thorough researcher with decades of clinical experience – he also seems to have a mind like a steel trap. It is amazing how much information he remembers without looking at notes.

Have a listen it could save you life or the life of a woman you love.

Listen to Dr. McDougall on Breast Cancer Here –

Vitamin C for Gum Disease

Best natural tooth careDo you have bleeding gums, receding gums or other periodontal disease? Find out what scientific studies are saying about cause, prevention and healing.


Part of the development of periodontal disease may involve oxidative stress, so not only do we need to reduce our intake of pro-inflammatory foods, such as refined carbohydrates and saturated fats, but it may also help if we seek out foods that are antioxidant-rich.

Is there an association between periodontitis and dietary vitamin C intake? Apparently so, as you can see in the graph below and at 3:34 in my video. Increased risk of periodontitis has been associated with lower levels of vitamin C intake. What effect might vitamin C depletion and supplementation have on periodontal health? Researchers provided controlled amounts of vitamin C to study participants for three months and found that measures of gum inflammation were directly related to the subjects’ vitamin C status. 

Find out more about vitamin C and gum health –

Animal Products and Alzheimer’s

Animal products and high-fat diets raise your risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease and are “detrimental to the heart and brain” according to recent scientific studies.


AGEs may be one explanation for why those who consume meat may have up to three times the risk of developing dementia compared with vegetarians.

Three times the risk! I don’t like those odds. Let’s stick to whole plant foods.

Listen to Dr. Greger on foods and brain health here –

Vitamin C & Cancer

Fruits fight Candida overgrowthNot only can Vitamin C protect our gums, it also shows a lot of promise as a cancer treatment. That’s a great motivation to eat fresh raw fruits and vegetables, or at least take a vitamin C supplement.

From NaturalHealth365:

Increasingly, researchers are discovering the role played by cancer stem cells in the growth and spread of the disease.  In groundbreaking researchvitamin C showed its ability to target cancer stem cells and stop their growth – preventing the recurrence of tumors.

That sure sounds promising. There are even intravenous Vitamin C treatments available that seem to be quite effective for some forms of cancer. A regular oncologist may not be up to date on the latest treatments, so be sure to do your own research if you are faced with a cancer diagnosis.

Read more about Vitamin C and cancer –

Can Pot Actually Remove Cancer?

Pot doesn't get rid of cancerWhile we are on the subject of cancer, lets take a look at the prevalent notion that CBD and/or THC can get rid of it. (Big Pharma doesn’t like us to use the word “c-u-r-e” in connection with the big C.)

Unfortunately, though some improvement may occur temporarily, it doesn’t look like MJ is the wonder drug we’ve all been waiting for.


THC may have worked for a few weeks, but then their tumors began growing again despite repeated treatments. The patient with the most dramatic result was a 35-year-old man. At four weeks, his tumor had shrunk dramatically, but then it came back with a vengeance and, despite more infusions, his condition worsened and then he was gone. With no control group, the effect of the treatment on overall survival is unclear.

Too bad. That would have been such an easy solution.

Read more about how pot holds up in clinical cancer trials –