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May Day, May Day! Dates, Angioplasty, Biotin

Health & Wellness News + Upcoming Magical Events with Bernadette Wulf

May Day! May Day! Dates, Angioplasty, Biotin

Or Yikes! I Forgot All About My Newsletter This Month!

In This Issue: 

  • Healing Power of Dates!
  • Questioning Angioplasty
  • Biotin for Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails

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Message from Bernadette Wulf

spring - healitall.comGreetings,

Happy Bealtaine or Samhain to you, depending on which half of the world you call home.

Today, in the Northern Hemisphere, we step into Summer in the Celtic calendar, the light half of the year. That always feels like a great relief to me.

I’ve been way too busy lately and am realizing that it’s time to kick back and relax more. So, though I will be continuing with our Faery Path Zoom calls and ongoing mastermind and card reading groups, I don’t have anything new planned for May.

I’ve moved my Guinevere, Faery Queen of Camelot workshop to Midsummer. Look for it around the Summer Solstice. Get a sneak peek here.

Other than that, I’ve been spending a lot more time out in the garden, getting beds ready for tomatoes, basil, potatoes and beans. It’s hard to get back to the computer when the weather is so nice outside!

This month I found some interesting articles about the healing power of dates, why you might want to think twice about angioplasty, and a vital vitamin for health hair, skin and nails.

Have questions or comments? —>>> Email Bernadette <<<— Please use this link and do not hit reply to this post or I may never get your message.

To your health and happiness!

Bernadette Wulf – Eat Plants for Life

healing power of datesHealing Power of Dates!

Isn’t it wonderful when a sweet and delicious food also turns out to have a big positive impact on your health? Turns out dates can actually help protect your DNA. among other benefits.


When researchers studied the effects of dates in an actual human colon, they found “significant increases in bowel movements and stool frequency,” which is not surprising given that participants in the date group consumed additional fiber, as well as “significant reductions in stool ammonia concentration.” They also found that date consumption “significantly reduced genotoxicity,” meaning there was significantly less DNA damage after eating dates.

My personal favorites are the soft and super sweet medjool dates. I like to pop them in a mini-food processor with a tart apple and a few walnuts for a delicious raw applesauce. Yum!

Read more about the wonders of dates –

prevent heart diseaseQuestioning Angioplasty

Dr. McDougall tells it like it is. The more I learn about him, the more impressed I am with his knowledge and his track record in the clinical arena.

He has studied nutrition and healing extensively for more than 30 years, including lots of hands-on clinical experience — and he is like a walking encyclopedia of health information. I don’t know how he can possibly remember all the facts he has at his fingertips.

Here’s what he had to say about angioplasty:

You had best be prepared for some high-pressure sales when you become involved with heart surgery—and take all the necessary time to be sure you are making a wise purchase. My experience has been most patients are misinformed by their doctors about the real benefits and harms of the treatments offered… [ ]

What Would I Do?

I have studied heart disease for the past 35 years, and everything I know about angioplasties and bypass surgery makes me want to stay clear of these businesses unless there is absolutely no other alternative. The real alternative that too few people take advantage of is prevention: A low-fat, plant-food based diet, exercise, and clean habits will prevent this disease. Once the disease has started it can be stopped and in most cases reversed with this lifestyle medicine.

Bottom line, unless you are facing the threat of immanent death, try switching to a low-fat, whole plant foods diet for a few months and see if you can avoid surgeries altogether. Most often, given the right diet, our bodies can heal themselves without medical intervention.

Read more about heart disease treatments and how to prevent the need for them –

almonds & laetrileBiotin for Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails

Biotin is a B vitamin, so it’s always found with other B complex vitamins in foods. It is one of the few nutrients that is a little harder to find in plant-based diets. The top plant-based biotin sources are sunflower seeds and almonds.

Legumes typically contain about three times as much biotin (vitamin B7) as cereals. Germinating for three to five days will double the biotin content of cereals as well as legumes. I couldn’t find any statistics on biotin in sunflower seed sprouts, but I’m guessing biotin would increase with sprouting, as most vitamins do.

The biggest risk for biotin deficiency occurs in low-fat plant-based diets that eliminate nuts and seeds — though that is generally the healthiest diet for healing or losing weight. If you are trying to avoid fats, be sure to include legumes and sprouts for biotin.

If you have signs of deficiency, like brittle hair and nails, dry skin or dermatitis, Vimergy Adapto B-Complex is an excellent supplemental source.

Read more about biotin –