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Warts, Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Teeth Grinding, L. Rhamnosus

Health & Wellness News + Upcoming Magical Events with Bernadette Wulf

Warts, Blood Pressure, Breakfast & Diabetes, Teeth Grinding, L. Rhamnosus

In This Issue: 

  • Does Duct Tape Cure Warts?
  • Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
  • Skipping Breakfast & Diabetes Risk
  • Fascinating Cause of Teeth Grinding!
  • Lactobacillus Rhamnosus

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Message from Bernadette Wulf

AI meGreetings,

I’ve been having lots of fun playing around with the Midjourney AI image bot. You can even use it to put your face on any image with a face.

Before anyone gets on my case about AI copyright issues, the bots don’t steal anyone’s art. They are trained with millions of images to recognize certain styles and they imitate those styles in infinite ways.

Will it ever replace artists? Not a chance, but it can be a really handy tool for artists to experiment with images, designs, styles and colors.

Can it be misused? Of course, just like anything else. It depends on the ethics of the users… and naturally, I intend to use it ethically, as in the image of the hand with duct tape below.

I spent most of this week updating my Brigit’s Path Magical Healing Course and transferring it to PDFs from WordPress password-protected pages. I hadn’t read the lessons in a couple of years and I found them quite uplifting. It’s a course I feel really good about and it has had rave reviews from people who’ve taken it. I like that.

This month I found some very interesting information about removing warts with duct tape, lowering blood pressure with lifestyle changes, how the timing of your breakfast impacts diabetes risk, the real scoop on teeth grinding, and L. rhamnosus probiotic for restoring a healthy microbiome. There is so much to learn!

Coming Up Soon

That Grail Quest I posted last month turned out to be as elusive as the Grail itself. I had to reschedule it, but maybe that’s just what you were waiting for.

This time it is set for September 10th. I hope you can join us. I have a feeling it’s going to be a really good one.  Learn more and sign up here —

That’s all folks!

Have questions or comments? —>>> Email Bernadette <<<— Please use this link and do not hit reply to this post or I may never get your message.

To your health and happiness!

Bernadette Wulf – Eat Plants for Life

Duct tape for removing wartsDoes Duct Tape Cure Warts?

Turns out that duct tape may be a more effective and less painful way to remove warts than most modern medical treatments… at least in one study.

Here’s what Dr. Greger had to say about it:

Duct tape “can now be offered as a nonthreatening, painless, and inexpensive technique for the treatment of warts in children.” How much does a little piece of duct tape even cost? Win-win-win-win! Of course, the money you save is the money the doctor loses, and there’s no way the medical profession is going to let this go unchallenged. 

Read more about warts and duct tape —

Blood pressure reliefLower Blood Pressure Naturally

High blood pressure is one of the most common reasons people take prescription drugs, but it is also one of the easiest problems to fix with better lifestyle choices. Unless you are one of the rare people who don’t seem to respond to lifestyle changes, you can see dramatic improvements within a couple of weeks by adopting the following practices.


If only there were a way to lower blood pressures without drugs to get the best of both worlds. Thankfully, there is: regular aerobic exercise, weight loss, smoking cessation, increased dietary fiber intake, decreased alcoholic beverage intake, consumption of a more plant-based diet, and cutting down on salt. The advantage is, first of all, no bad side effects.

Read what Dr. Greger has to say about lowering your blood pressure naturally —

breakfast and diabetes riskSkipping Breakfast & Diabetes Risk

This article really caught my attention. Apparently the time you eat breakfast can have a huge impact on your diabetes risk. And there’s a big difference between eating at 8 AM and 9 AM.

The article doesn’t go into what happens when you eat your first meal even later than 9 AM, but it does mention that all these intermittent fasting folks are really raising their chances of developing diabetes. On the other hand, people who eat five times a day seem to have a much lower incidence.

It all makes sense when you remember that the body needs a steady supply of glucose for brain and muscle function. But it would have been even more revealing if the article had mentioned WHAT people were eating for breakfast.

After all, a high-fat meal like the typical American or English breakfast could cause diabetes no matter what time it is eaten. That’s because excess fat (from eggs, bacon, sausages, etc.) in the bloodstream blocks insulin receptors in the cells, so they can’t get the glucose they need, or lower the blood sugar.

Here’s what had to say:

People who eat breakfast after 9 a.m. show an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 59% compared to those who eat breakfast before 8 a.m. This is the main conclusion of a study in which ISGlobal, an institution supported by “la Caixa” Foundation, took part and which followed more than 100,000 participants in a French cohort. The results suggest that we may reduce the risk of diabetes by changing not only what we eat, but also when we eat it, although more research is needed to confirm this hypothesis.

Read more about breakfast and diabetes risk —

Speaking of intermittent fasting, here’s what Anthony William, the Medical Medium has to say about it. Hint: not a good idea!  —

Fascinating Cause of Teeth Grinding!

My dentist told me the upper and lower teeth should never touch. That there should always be a space (or food) between them. But this video claims just the opposite, and it really makes sense.

This sort of thing really appeals to my nerd side. I hope you find it as interesting as I did.


Here’s the link to find out the cause of teeth grinding —

Lactobacillus Rhamnosus

Have antibiotics messed up your gut flora? Most of us would have to answer yes. Or if not antibiotics, it could be pain meds or lack of fiber in the diet.

Whatever the reason, Lactobacillus rhamnosus might be just what you need to get things back to normal.


L. rhamnosus may boost your overall digestive health, potentially treating diarrhea, relieving IBS symptoms, and strengthening your gut. It may also protect against cavities and UTIs. A number of other potential benefits haven’t been rigorously tested.

Read more about L. rhamnosus here —